I can't log in to the platform
Don't have access to your login credentials?
In this article, you will find several options for regaining access to the platform.
Have access to the email address? Reset your password
Navigate to the platform and click 'Forgot password?'.
In the 'Email address' field, enter the email address of your platform user. Then, click 'Request reset URL'.
You will then see the following notice:
You have received an email containing a URL. Click the URL. You then see the 'Reset password' page:
In the 'New password' and 'Repeat password' fields, enter the new password. Then, click 'Reset password'.
You can now log in with your new password.
Don't have access to the email address?
If you can't access the email address belonging to the platform user, you have two options:
A team admin has access to the platform
If your team has a team admin who can log in to the platform, they can change your email address.
You can then use the 'Forgot password?' functionality on the platform to reset your password.
No one has access to the platform
If no one has access to the platform, Cyberfusion changes the email address that you no longer have access to one that you can access.
You can then use the 'Forgot password?' functionality on the platform to reset your password.
To ensure the safety of your team, we confirm your identity before such a request is processed.
Send an email to support@cyberfusion.io with the following information:
- Copy of the ID card (identity card, passport, or driver's license) belonging to the team admin. You may strip the citisen service number, photo and document number.
- Screenshot of the most recent bank statement from Cyberfusion. The invoice number, amount and description must be visible.
- The new email address that you wish to use.
- A certified extract from the Chamber of Commerce of your team's company. This extract must be recent, and must contain company directors.
- Copy of the ID card (identity card, passport, or driver's license) belonging to a company director. You may strip the citisen service number, photo and document number.
- Screenshot of the most recent bank statement from Cyberfusion. The invoice number, amount and description must be visible.
- The new email address that you wish to use.
Once the information is verified, we send an email to your platform user's current email address.
If this email is not answered within 3 working days - which confirms that the email address is indeed not used, and that there are no objections - the email address is changed.
You can then use the 'Forgot password?' functionality on the platform to reset your password.